Welcome to our website. We are the Lewisham CEPN Training Hub. We plan for and deliver workforce development and training that engages with new ways of working to meet our population’s health needs.
We work collaboratively with South East London Integrated Care Board, our GP Federation One Health Lewisham (OHL) our six local Primary Care Networks (PCNs) , NHS England (NHSE), Our Healthier South East London/South East London Integrated Care System (OHSEL/SELICS) and a wide range of education and training providers. We are at the heart of a network of Training Hub organisations across South East London, headed by SELWDH and further afield.
Our work aligns with national workforce development strategies, including the NHS long Term Plan, with a tailored approach to meet regional and needs and priorities.
Our values are reflected in our collaborative working – we listen, we learn from and celebrate each others success and we share our innovations and ideas openly, to make sure they benefit everyone and avoid unnecessary duplication.
We support the whole primary care team. We value the contribution of each and every person in providing the best possible care to people; we do this by providing the best possible development and training opportunities for our support staff as well as our clinicians.
Working together with South East London Workforce Development Hub (SELWDH), we are helping to develop and deliver a workforce that can meet our population’s health needs today but also engages with innovative ways of working to ensure we meet the needs of tomorrow. We recognise the many challenges in doing this sustainably, but also our strength in collaboration.
We have been accredited with the National Preceptorship for Nursing Quality Mark. This mark is awarded to organisations who offer high quality Preceptorship programmes for newly qualified Practice Nurses.
Colin Stears - Managing Director
Debbie Brown - Clinical Director
Dr Leo Emordi - GP Quality Lead
Rebecca Corneck - Lead Nurse and Education Facilitator
Hannah Crowther - Deputy Lead Nurse
Kate Goldsmith - Administrator
Supporting Workforce Development in Primary Care.
Lewisham CEPN Training Hub supports the primary care workforce in Lewisham through planning and training. Our small team is working towards: